
blabbering about programming, computer science & stuff

Here are some of the links I’ve found helpful and/or interesting, either during my studies, my work or in my spare time.

Blogs πŸ”—

Programming Languages πŸ”—

Theory πŸ”—

Lambda Calculus πŸ”—

Compilers πŸ”—

Runtimes & Interpreters πŸ”—

Parsers πŸ”—

Parallel Programming πŸ”—

Distributed Systems πŸ”—

Computer Architecture πŸ”—

Theoretical Computer Science πŸ”—

Data Structures πŸ”—

Boolean Functions πŸ”—

Concurrency πŸ”—

Database Systems & Engines πŸ”—

Kubernetes πŸ”—

Miscelaneous πŸ”—