
blabbering about programming, computer science & stuff

Writing a Compiler in Zig

Short treatise on my experience writing my first compiler in Zig.

Encoding Boolean Operators in Untyped λ Calculus

Implementing boolean values and basic boolean operators in untyped λ calculus.

Compile-Time Function Evaluation

Brief overview of two possible implementations of compile-time function evaluation: recursive walks over the AST and byte-code interpretation.

Syntactic Analysis and Abstract Syntax Trees

About syntactic analysis, syntax validation, recursive descent parsing, push-down automata, abstract syntax trees, attribute grammars and semantic functions.

Parallel Programing With OpenMP

Messing around with the OpenMP library.

Debugging Go Applications With Delve

Ducktyping & Protocols

Writing protocols in Python.

I/O Multiplexing - Event-Based Notifications in UNIX

Quick look into kernel’s notification systems